There are a lot of wands on the market today, but the most well known will always be the Magic Wand–so much so, most people refer to almost every wand as a Magic Wand. This is known as a “generic trademark”, something we all commonly do, such as calling all facial tissues Kleenex, all copy machines Xerox, etc. It’s a bad habit we should probably break, but I’ll admit, I’m guilty of doing it myself! But after using the Fun Factory VIM, I may just start referring to all wands as a VIM.
What is the FUN FACTORY VIM?
It’s no secret FUN FACTORY is one of my favorite companies, for good reason. Their toys are well made, they’re an ethical company, and they’re great to work with–and VIM is no different. The FUN FACTORY VIM is the world’s first weighted rumble wand–but what does that mean, exactly? The motor is uniquely weighted, so it provides rumbling vibration no matter what speed you choose, unlike other wands that may be buzzy at lower levels of vibration. Some users never reach the top levels on a wand, they find them to be too much, so they may not get the rumbling tones some users know and love.
Don’t fret, if you’re sensitive and enjoy lower settings, you will love VIM and be able to get that rumble even at the very first level of fun. FUN FACTORY is well known for their rumbling toys, and this wand is no different in that regard, but note, this motor is new and not featured in any of their other items.
Speaking of levels, let’s talk about the settings. Going back to that ever popular Magic Wand, the original has two settings, low and Jesus Roosevelt Christ. Now, I’m not really that sensitive, but I’ll admit, it’s a rare occasion that I can hit JRC on my original MW. I would love to have somewhere in between. I also own a mini Magic Wand and was oh so thankful for the upgrade to more choices in settings. But with the FUN FACTORY VIM, the choices became even more amazing.
The toy’s thudding vibration is unique and travels below the surface for deeper pleasure. Which really surprised me. I’ve found with other wands, and trust me, I own a number of them beyond the MW, even when I press them hard against my body, I don’t really get much sensation beyond the surface, but with VIM, the vibration goes deeper and really travels to the clitoral nerves beneath, giving sensations I haven’t felt before except when I’ve used internal G-spot toys coupled with clitoral stimulation. It’s pretty awesome.
The FUN FACTORY VIM is programmed for you with three settings, Deep Orgasm (press the + button six times), Intense Orgasm (press the + button seven times), and Edging Program (press the + button eight times). Or you can use + button to increase the speed from one-five.
What are the programs like?
Deep Orgasm–is a rumbly program that starts with light vibration and builds up to the maximum setting. Really, it does all the work for you. This would be great for when you’re not in a hurry and want to romance yourself, but not engage in edging.
Intense Orgasm–Want a quickie? This is fast and powerful. And let me tell you, it’s no joke. I made the “mistake” of trying this setting first, and I made a huge mess! I thought I would cum quickly, but I also thought I wouldn’t squirt. I kept my panties on, and let’s just say, they had to go in the laundry and I ended up having to change the sheets on my bed because I didn’t prepare properly. But I did it again immediately!
Edging–Builds in intensity and then drops off, again and again, reaching higher heights until you climax. I tried this setting for about an hour, teasing myself until I couldn’t stand it any longer. It was a lot of fun and I could see this being even more exciting to use with a partner.
Settings one-five–As you’d expect, they go from gentle rumbling vibrations to powerful. The lowest setting is probably the most gentle vibration I’ve ever felt from a wand, yet, it is still rumbling not buzzy at all. And it is absolutely the quietest wand I’ve ever used. According to FUN FACTORY it is 50 percent quieter than the leading wand on the market. I did a test video and posted it on You Tube, through all the settings so you can hear and will share it here. Setting five is quite intense, and so far, I haven’t been able to use it for more than a few seconds directly on my clit, but I do enjoy it when I’m using the wand as a massager on other parts of my body!

What comes with FUN FACTORY VIM
You’ll notice my photo has some extra goodies, but I received a special box since I agreed to test VIM in exchange for providing an honest review. If you order your own, you’ll get VIM, a magnetic charging cable (no block), a Yes/No/Maybe List to fill out with your partner, a booklet with operating instructions, care directions, and a flirt or dare game to inspire your play.

The FUN FACTORY VIM comes in two beautiful colors, Sunrise Orange or Midnight Blue. I was a little sad I didn’t get the blue, as it’s my favorite color, but the orange is truly stunning, and I’ll be frank, I really won’t ever have to worry about losing it! Not that it’s ever going in the toy cabinet, it gets to live on the table next to my bed for all time.
One of the coolest features I wasn’t even sure would be pertinent to me at first are the grooves in the head of VIM. Why? They hold lube so perfectly. I’ll admit, I’ve never really used lube with a wand before. Typically, I use my wands over my clothing. They just vibrate so powerfully, I find I can’t use them directly on my clit, so I don’t need to use lube. But since VIM has these built in channels or grooves on the head, I decided I would give it a shot.
Since VIM also has a much lower setting than traditional wands, I knew using it without the clothing barrier would go over much better, well, after my initial trial on goddess mode aka the Intense Orgasm program. Since VIM is made of body safe silicone, be sure you’re not using a silicone based lubricant. You can choose something like Coconu’s Water Based lubricant or even an oil based product like Foria’s Awaken Arousal Oil with CBD to enhance your sensations even further. Just be sure if you plan to use a latex condom later on, you’re aware oil based products are not compatible with condoms.
My preferred way of using VIM I’ve found is on the Deep Orgasm program setting. It’s nice to treat yourself and take some time coming to your orgasm over time, but not necessarily edging yourself–unless that’s your thing. It’s not really mine, but to each their own. I like engaging in edging with a partner, just not so much on my own, which sadly, I am more often than not these days.
I found VIM fits quite nicely in two of the three pockets of my Liberator Pulse, so I can slip it in whichever one I choose, push the mount against the head of my bed and have a totally hands-free experience. This is great for me because I have some mobility issues and even though VIM is really light-weight (34 percent lighter than the average wand), sometimes, my hands don’t want to cooperate and my arms get tired even at the beginning of playtime, and that’s never fun. Plus, it’s hot to grind on the toy to get off.
For the most part though, I hold VIM in both hands, and press down hard, taking full advantage of the bendable head, and allow the rumbling vibrations to travel throughout my body. Bonus, those vibrations do not travel down the handle at all. They stay focused in the head and to your body, where they belong.
Want a quickie? VIM has you covered. As I briefly mentioned earlier, the Intense Orgasm program will bring you to your knees, and for me, is a guaranteed way to squirt, no internal stimulation necessary! Although I tried it later, using my favorite FUN FACTORY vibrator, Big Boss, in my vagina and VIM on my clitoris and holy fuck. I’m pretty sure my neighbors heard that screaming orgasm. I’m glad I prepped for that session, because I didn’t have any more clean sheets.
You can get your very own FUN FACTORY VIM direct from the company for $169 with free shipping. If you shop using my links, you’ll not only get a quality product, you’ll also be supporting my work and I’ll earn a small commission.
This article contains affiliate links to other companies as well, and I may earn a small commission if you treat yourself to their products. If you shop at Betty’s Toy Box (Liberator Link) and use my code DEMI, you’ll get 10 percent off your entire order.
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